Scientific-Brilliant minds
- The mother of gauss was
- Mathematician
- Doctor
- illiterate
- Physict
- Which is the most famous apple?
- Newtons
- Gauss
- Fermat
- Dirac
- a^n + b^n = c^n no integers satisfy this with n>2 is the famous theorem of
- Euler
- Fermat
- Leibniz
- Rolle
- A famous family of mathematicians is
- Bernouli
- Eintein
- Euler
- Nash
- Who shouted naked in the street when solved a problem?
- Archimedes
- Gauss
- Pythagoras
- Aristoteles
- Who invented the screw
- Pytahgoras
- Aristoteles
- Newton
- Archimedes
- Εvery even number over 2 could be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers like 4=2+2, 8=5+3 is a guess made by
- Euler
- Goldbach
- Fermat
- Bernuli
- It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment is wrong. These are the words of
- Bohr
- Einstein
- Feynman
- Dirac
- Who great physist tried to invent a fridge?
- Einstein
- Feynman
- Heisnberg
- Openheimer
- Who was in charge of Manhatan project which was about the atomic bomb
- Einstein
- Openheimer
- Laplace
- Born
- My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. Are the words of
- Hawking
- Einstein
- Young
- Tesla
- Who was the mathematician that created a sort of religion?
- Laplace
- Pythagoras
- Archimedes
- Gauss
- Who had compulsive behaviour and became obsessed with the number 3
- Laplace
- Ampere
- Tesla
- Kirchoff
- If you can't explain your physics to a barmaid it is probably not very good physics These words belong to
- Tesla
- Newton
- De Broglie
- Rutherford
- Who was the first to be awarded 2 Nobel prizes?
- Curie
- Einstein
- Thompson
- Bohr